Elizabeth cady stanton biography timeline books
Elizabeth cady stanton books
A chronology of key events in the life of Elizabeth Cady Stanton (), reformer, suffragist, and feminist.
Elizabeth cady stanton biography timeline books
Explore Elizabeth Cady Stanton's life as a campaigner for women's rights in this unique timeline biography.
Elizabeth cady stanton pictures
Elizabeth Cady Stanton (born November 12, , Johnstown, New York, U.S.—died October 26, , New York, New York) was an American leader in the women’s rights movement who in formulated the first concerted demand for women’s suffrage in the United States.
Elizabeth cady stanton seneca falls
Author, lecturer, and chief philosopher of the woman’s rights and suffrage movements, Elizabeth Cady Stanton formulated the agenda for woman’s rights that guided the struggle well into the 20th century.