Gustave serrurier bovy tablecloth

Gustave serrurier bovy

Gustave Serrurier-Bovy built his own house, the "Villa l'Aube", located in the private park of Cointe, in Liège (listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia), and refurbished and decorated .
gustave serrurier bovy tablecloth

Gustave serrurier bovy tablecloth

GUSTAVE SERRURIER-BOVY (1858-1910) A MANTEL CLOCK, CIRCA 1907 oak, brass, with iridescent Loetz glass numerals 29 in.

Gustave serrurier bovy tablecloth company

Gustave Serrurier-Bovy DRESSER, Mahogany, brass and ornamental painting ,5 x ,5 x 54 cm PRICE ON REQUEST.
Gustave serrurier bovy tablecloth for sale
Gustave Serrurier-Bovy was a Belgian artist who was instrumental in defining the art nouveau movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.